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Differences between CM9001 and CM9000
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 Posted: Sunday Aug 4th, 2019 06:22 am
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CM9001 PCB

CM9000 PCB

Power Supply
A major difference between  CM9001 and CM9000 is the use of a universal (90-260VAC to 15VDC 1.7A) switched power supply TT01-0022 with DC Output  instead of the old 15VAC Transformer (with AC Output). The new power supply can be used for all countries (with all the regulatory and safety approvals) and is much lighter, and is more efficient ie it takes much less current from the mains power supply compared to a transformer. The correct transformer /power supply MUST be used with the matching DSP Board ie Transformer with CM9000 DSP, power supply TT01-0022 with CM9001 DSP. Other than that the CM9001 and CM9000 CPU and DSP boards can be interchanged.

TT01-0022 DC Power Supply for CM9001

T230V Transformer for CM9000

CPU and DSP Boards
The CM9000 and CM9001 PCBs consist of 2 smaller PCBs connected by a connector in the middle. The CPU Board or left half include the microprocessor, the EEPROM and RS485 driver . The DSP board or right half includes the DSP, voice flash memory, and telephone interface. The reason for spliiting up the CM9000/CM9001 into 2 parts is to allow easier inventory control.

The CPU and DSP boards can be interchanged between CM9000 and CM9001, ie CPU from CM9000 and be connected to DSP from CM9001 and vice versa. However the restriction is that the DSP board must be connected to the appropriate power supply, ie CM9000 DSP with the old AC Transformer, and CM9001 DSP with the new Switched DC power supply.  The combination of CM9001 CPU with CM9000 DSP has a part designation, CM9000B which needs the AC transformer.

Firmware Compatibility
Comfort Firmware is the same for CM9000 and CM9001. Firmware can be upgraded to the latest.
Compatibility of other Modules
  • LEM01-M2, LEM02-M2, LEM03-M2 can be used with CM9001 and CM9000. LEM02B is a direct plug in on CM9001 so it cannot be mounted on  CM9000. LEM01-M2 should not be connected at the same time as LEM02B is plugged in.
  • All other RS485 Modules, eg Keypads, UCMs, TSM, IRIO are compatible with CM9000 and CM9001
  • SEM01-M2 and SEM01C can be used with both CM9000 and CM9001.
CM9000 and CM9001 PCB mounting holes are the same so one can be replaced with the other in the metal box mounting. However the CM9001 uses a different power supply so replacement of CM9000 with CM9001 will need a new transformer as well. This should not be much of a problem since the new Power supply is light and small and can be mounted without difficulty even though ther may not be mounting holes in the old EN01 enclosure for the power supply.

Last edited on Sunday Aug 4th, 2019 06:30 am by slychiu

 Posted: Sunday Dec 4th, 2022 03:05 pm
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I have 2 issues. on one Comfort II board 2 of the 8 main outputs have stopped working. can you tell me which IC is the output relay driver? is it the plug-in small sub board, with IC 74HC2590 soldered onto it and is the sub board readily available as a replacement, if so, what is the part number?The second issue relates to another Comfort II board, which keeps giving battery warning alerts, at the same time every day, when the battery is actually fully charged. Is this warning given by another 8-pin plug-in comparator IC 58ALN3M? It would be a shame to replace the main board, if the IC is replaceable.
many thanks Graham

Last edited on Sunday Dec 4th, 2022 03:06 pm by Ghyllwood

 Posted: Monday Dec 5th, 2022 01:38 am
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The Plug in Output board for CM9000 is OP01, For CM9001, it is OP03. Both can be ordered.

 If the battery is not being charged, check by measuring the voltage at the battery positive terminal. It should be 13.5 Volts or more

 Posted: Monday Dec 5th, 2022 08:44 pm
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Thank you, I will order one.Regarding the battery; it is being charged and the voltage is 13.8. The problem arises when comfort does its daily test and disconnects the power. It says battery fault, when in fact the battery is fully charged.

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