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Controlling Philips Hue
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 Posted: Tuesday Sep 10th, 2019 09:57 am
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Comfort Installers

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I have a customer with quite an extensive Comfort system 
It did have a number of X10 lights.The customer has upgraded to Philips Hue.
I'm pretty sure that the UCM Pi will provide 2 way communication between comfort and Hue.
What I need to know:
As an integrator I have many years of experience with comfort. However I've not touched the Pi. As a one off how long is it realistically going to take me to set up from scratch a UCM Pi and program and test it to operate (say) a dozen lights with timers on/off?
I know this is open ended but I need an idea is at a day or a week - how can I justify the cost to the customer.

 Posted: Wednesday Sep 11th, 2019 10:29 am
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Joined: Saturday Aug 19th, 2006
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I suggest it is not about a cost to the customer but a cost to enhance your business and as such should be absorbed by the business. Ultimately that will then be passed on to all your customers.

 Posted: Thursday Sep 12th, 2019 05:12 am
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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I agree, it takes time to get to know Node Red, but it opens the possibilty to many new applications for customers

 Posted: Friday Sep 13th, 2019 10:15 am
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Comfort Installers

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Yes But i run a business not a charity.
So ..... the cost has to be absorbed over time....
So how many chargeable installations can I achieve.

Once I have spent time learning how to set up the Pi the realistically how long would an installation take from scratch? This is the labour charge I would realistically put to the customer not for my many hours of learning how to set it up?
Any suggestions much appreciated?

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