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UCM Pi Users

Joined: Friday May 3rd, 2013
Location: Galway, Ireland
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I posted this on Discord, but as it seems to be dead over there I will post it here as well. I have setup a number of Sonoff NSPanel Pro devices to act as wall-mounted touchscreens for HA and I wanted to use them as alarm contol panels along with controlling lights, heating, etc. As Comfort is setup with a number of different codes for family members, guest, etc. I wanted to allow everyone to be able to sign-in to the alarm using their own codes.By default, the HA MQTT Alarm Control Panel only allows one fixed code in the configuration, but I have discovered that it now allows the code to be validated by the alarm system itself. I've tested this out and it works perfectly. This is my setup with the old settings commented out:
  - alarm_control_panel:
    name: 'Comfort Alarm'
    unique_id: comfort_alarm_panel_1
    state_topic: 'homeassistant/alarm/comfort/alarm_mode/status'
    command_topic: 'homeassistant/alarm/comfort/alarm_mode/set'
    code_arm_required: false
    code_disarm_required: true
    payload_arm_away: 'away'
    payload_arm_home: 'day'
    payload_arm_night: 'night'
    payload_arm_vacation: 'vacation'
    payload_disarm: 'off'
    payload_arm_custom_bypass: '#'
#  code: "1234"
#  command_template: '{{action}},{{code}}'
    code: REMOTE_CODE
    command_template: >
        { "action": "{{ action }}", "code": "{{ code }}" }

Attachment: Image 2023-09-08 at 09.29.40.jpg (Downloaded 20 times)


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Thats wonderful. is this the same setup as in ? I need to try that

UCM Pi Users

Joined: Friday May 3rd, 2013
Location: Galway, Ireland
Posts: 86

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No, this uses the UCM/Pi instead of the ETH03 connection but there is no reasn why it shouldn't work as both alarm panels are connecting over MQTT.

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