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Comfort Automation/ Security System Forums > Support > FAQs - Technical > How are Zones (inputs) and Outputs numbered on Comforts, LEMs and Slaves?

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Inputs are Outputs have a fixed numbering system in Comfort

1 to 8 are on the Comfort Control Panel
9 to 16 are on the Comfort Local Expansion Module
17 to 24 are on Slave 1
25 to 32 are on Slave 1 LEM
33 to 40 are on Slave 2
41 to 48 are on Slave 2 LEM
49 to 56 are on Slave 3
57 to 64 are on Slave 3 LEM
65 to 72 are on Slave 4
73 to 80 are on Slave 4 LEM
81 to 88 are on Slave 5
89 to 96 are on Slave 5 LEM

Note that only 1 LEM01/LEM02 can be connected to  Comfort Control Panel and each Slave. The difference between LEM01 and LEM02 is that LEM02 has no outputs.

If the Comfort controller does not have an LEM connected, the Inputs and Output numbers are "lost", they do not get assigned to the next Slave

If Slave 2 is not connected, but Slave 3 is connected, Slave 3 has inputs/outputs numbers 57 to 64 and not those of Slave 2.

For more details see

Last edited on Saturday Sep 19th, 2015 06:27 am by

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admin wrote: If Slave 2 is not connected, but Slave 3 is connected, Slave 3 has inputs/outputs numbers 57 to 64 and not those of Slave 2.
Is this correct?
If I understand the system correctly I would say that this should be inputs/outputs numbers 49 to 56 without an LEM, or 49 to 64 with an LEM.

Ah...wait....perhaps I should read the whole thing first, The table of inputs confirms my query. sorry for intruding!

Last edited on Tuesday Jan 14th, 2014 04:15 pm by Home

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