Posted: Saturday Jan 25th, 2014 01:56 pm |
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The UCM/ETH03 is a new ethernet interface for Comfort that replaces the UCM/ETH02 with many new functions.
The link to the UCM Manual which includes UCM/ETH03 is

The UCM/ETH03 allows Comfigurator and other 3rd party software, as well as the Comfort iOS and Android apps to work with Comfort
The Comfort Server Manager sets up the IP address of the UCM/ETH03. This is included in Comfigurator 3.7.8 and above.
In Comfigurator, Select Options > Settings > UCM Interface = Network Local

The Comfort Server Manager link is shown
Click on Comfort Server Manager.

The window should show all UCM/ETH03 that are connected physically to the network. It is in blue colour if it is on the same subnet, otherwise it will be shown in red. The current firmware version for the UCM/ETH03 is shown (1.07 in the above example). The Status of the UCM/ETH03 will normally be shown as "idle"; if there is a connection, the Status field will show "busy".
The IP address of the UCM/ETH03 is found by the discovery process. The default IP address setting has DHCP so the IP address will be automatically assigned by a Router with DHCP enabled. It is recommended to assign a fixed IP address for UCM/ETH03, making sure that it does not conflict with any assigned IP address on the network, as you will need to enter the IP address of the UCM/ETH03 in Comfigurator and for the purpose of allowing Port Forwarding for remote access. Uncheck the DHCP checkbox- New IP: Enter the new IP Address of the UCM/ETH03
- Gateway: Enter the Gateway IP Address (normally the Router IP Address)
- Subnet: Enter the subnet mask for the network eg
- DNS: Enter the DNS server IP Address. This is usually the same as the gateway (Router address) but in some networks there may be a separate DNS Server.
- Port 1: the 1st network port through which the data is sent and received from the UCM. By default the port is set to 1001.
- Timeout 1: the time in minutes for which the TCP connection for Port 1 will remain open if there is no data to the port. A value of 0 means the connection will never time-out. It is recommended that 2 minute connection time-out is used when there may be more than 1 application trying to use the connection at the same time
- Port 2: the 2nd network port through which the data is sent and received from the UCM. By default the port is set to 1002.
- Timeout 2: the time in minutes for which the TCP connection for Port 2 will remain open if there is no data to the port. A value of 0 means the connection will never time-out. It is recommended that 2 minute connection time-out is used when there may be more than 1 application trying to use the connection at the same time
- Host Name: this is the name that can be used instead of the numeric IP Address, ie you can use this name in the UCM IP Address field instead of an IP address. This works for Local IP addresses only and not for Internet IP
Click the 'Submit' button to effect the new changes.
Press the 'Refresh' button once to rediscover the UCM/ETH03s in the network
Clear List button clears all the display on the Comfort Server Manager screen.
Reboot button reinitialises ETH03 submodule without changing any parameters.
Web (demo) and Upload Web buttons are for future use.
Last edited on Sunday Feb 11th, 2018 10:51 am by
Posted: Sunday May 25th, 2014 09:29 am |
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The UCM/ETH03 now supports these new features:- Sending of emails to 4 email addresses for 31 Alarm Types. You can now be notified by email in the event of any alarm.
- Synchronisation of Comfort's Date and Time with an Internet Time Server. Time Programs will always run at the correct time
- Simultaneous connection to 2 ports so 2 phones, tablets or computers can connect as a time. Previously only 1 connection at a time is allowed.
Minimum Configurations
Some screenshots to show how it works;
Comfort Server Manager
In Comfigurator, the latest version of Comfort Server Manager will be downloaded when you run it from Options> Settings > UCM Interface = Network Local or Internet
Select the IP address on the left (if there are more than 1 UCM/ETH03). The IP address of the UCM/ETH03 is shown on the right pane on top
The 2 ports each with their own independent idle time-outs are shown below.

This allows 2 different applications to access Comfort, eg iOS and Android apps, ComfortClient However if Comfigurator is connected, it will block the other port so Comfigurator has to be the only application connected to the UCM/Ethernet so that any read/write or firmware upgrading cannot be interrupted.
SNTP Setting

Check that the local time is correct. Select one of the servers in the NTP Server Pool. These are a list of International NTP servers that provide the local time adjusted for Daylight saving where applicable
The NTP Synchronize Interval is the interval for the updating of time to Comfort. 60 minutes is the recommended interval athough you can set a shorter time for testing.
If the time difference is less than 4 seconds, the Comfort time is updated but is not recorded in the event log.
"Send Time to Comfort" should be checked if the time should be sent to Comfort.
Leave it unchecked if you do not want to update Comfort Time.
Comfort will correct for any Daylight saving Time adjustments based on the Sunrise/Sunset times settings so it is important to get the setting to the correct location.
Email settings

SMTP Server: enter the address of a SMTP server
Port: 25 or 587
Note that the email authentication by SSL is not supported. Basic authentication by User name and password or No authentication is supported. Hence Gmail and Yahoo email servers are not supported.
Note that you can use free stmp servers for the purpose of sending emails which do not require SSL authentication, for example SMTP2go They have a free plan that is limited to 20 emails per day
User name: eg techsupport for sending of the email. This field has a maximum length of 24 characters
enter the email password for authentication for the STMP server
Email From: the name to be displayed in the FROM line of the email
Email Subject: what is to be displayed in the SUBJECT line of the email
User1 Name to User4 Name: Enter the user names corresponding to the user numbers in Comfort, each of whom have their own user code. These names will be shown in the emails when the alarm is related to a user, eg System disarmed by user or system armed by user.
Email addresses: enter up to 4 email addresses to send emails to.
Alarms: check the boxes 1 to 4 for the emails to be sent for each Alarm Type triggered. Each Alarm Type can be sent to any combination of 4 emails
Note that the email addresses are NOT related to the 4 user names
If the email is not received, check the spam folder. Gmail tends to consider automated email senders as spam
Last edited on Monday Sep 2nd, 2019 09:07 am by
Posted: Friday Aug 1st, 2014 12:24 pm |
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Posted: Thursday Sep 11th, 2014 01:28 pm |
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Anyone had any issues with sunrise / sunset times after enabling NTP? My system keeps thinking its night time after sunrise. Works OK for a few days after a program download but then gets out of sync even though Comfort reports the correct time and date. Still investigating. I have disabled the transmit NTP to Comfort to see if the issue occurs again.
Posted: Thursday Sep 11th, 2014 06:06 pm |
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we have not encountered this before
The Night time flag is determined every minute, so it should not have any problem
I assume you mean the Night time flag that is automatically set by Sunset and cleared by sunrise
Perhaps the sunrise /sunset times are corrupted or are not accurate, have you checked them for this date?
Posted: Thursday Sep 11th, 2014 10:26 pm |
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The sunrise and sunset times are correct, once the issue occurs I resend the configuration to Comfort and the problem clears up, but after a few days I have lights coming on at the wrong time. I have disabled NTP for now to see if the issue returns. If it does I spend more time looking at Comfort in state to get more detail.
Posted: Friday Sep 12th, 2014 06:37 pm |
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Posted: Sunday Sep 21st, 2014 02:04 pm |
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Thanks, I have upgraded now to 2.12 and rechecked the "send time to Comfort" setting. The system was fine with NTP turned off so I know I don't have some other issue. I will report back how 2.12 and sending NTP time goes over the next week.
Posted: Wednesday Oct 1st, 2014 01:23 pm |
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OK thats fixed it, looked to be related to the date bug.
Posted: Wednesday Jul 15th, 2015 01:48 am |
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UCM Pi Users
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I have just downloaded the iPhone app. I have a UCM UCM/01 with firmware 7.061
The app is working fine but only to set and unset the system. The control page is completely blank on the phone. Is this because I need to change the UCM01 for a UCM/ETH03? or do I need to alter something else?
Posted: Wednesday Jul 15th, 2015 07:16 am |
11th Post |