Posted: Sunday Aug 7th, 2016 08:59 am |
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This note explains how the new Partitions feature in Comfort work.
Comfort implements up to 4 Partitions which are like independent security systems with their own zones, security armed modes, entry/exit path, entry doors, keypads and door stations but share a common Siren, strobe and Telephone line.
Minimum System Requirements- Comfort Firmware 7.163
- Keypad KP04A or KP06A firmware 7.005 or above. KT03 firmware 7.082 or above. KP04/KP05/KP06 will not work with partitions.
- Comfigurator 3.12.13 or above for programming
- UCM 7.124 and above
To use the partitions feature, Comfigurator View Mode must be set to Engineer Advanced

4 partitions are available, numbered 0 to 3. Zones in existing systems are considered in Partition 0 (default)
There is no specific Partition Enable setting in Comfigurator. Partitions are enabled only if at least one zone is in Partition 1 to 3, and at least 1 keypad capable of supporting partitions is in Partition 1 to 3
Zones and Partitions
Each zone is assigned to only one partition 0 -3

Select Partition 0 to 3 for each zone.
Each Partition has its own exit/entry path, entry door zones, security armed mode, alarm state.
If all zones are in the default Partition 0, then the system is not partitioned, even if Keypads and users are assigned to other partitions. As long as 1 zone is in a dfferent partition from 0, the partition is enabled.
Keypads and Partitions
Each keypad is assigned to one partition 0-3 (default 0).

A Keypad which is assigned to a partition can arm and disarm that partition only. To disarm the partition, a user who signs in on a keypad must also be enabled for the partition.
Keypads will hear the siren sounds for its own partition only eg arming beeps, intruder siren sounds, arming zones, announcements. If there is an alarm the 12V siren will sound, but only the keypads for the alarm partition wil hear the keypad siren. Other keypads will not hear, but if a user signs in on a keypad for another partition, the siren is also heard.
Security Check on a keypad will hear only the zones open in that partition and see the zones open on the LCD.
If all zones are in partition 0, there are no partitions and keypads which are programmed in other partitions will work in Partition 0, ie the keypad partition is ignored.
If all keypads are in Partition 0, then the zones partition is ignored, and all zones are considered in partition 0, and the system is not partitioned
If no keypads in the system can handle Partitions, then partition settings are ignored, and the system is not partitioned. Only KP04A/KP06A firmware 7.005 and KT03 firmware 7.082 can handle partitions. KP01, KP03, KP04, KP06 cannot be used in Partitions.
The above checks ensures that older systems which are not partitioned when upgraded to the new Comfort firmware will not be unintentionally partitioned due to existing settings
Users and Partitions
Each User can be assigned to any combination of Partitions 0 to 3. This means that a user can be assigned to more than 1 partition, or all of them.

Each user can select area 0,1,2,3 to be enabled or disabled.
A user who is enabled for the partition is able to sign in on the keypad for the partition. If a user is enabled for all 4 partitions, he/she can sign in on any keypad for all partitions.
Eg User 1 is enabled for partition 0,1
User 2 is enabled for partitions 2
User 3 is enabled for partition 3
The 12V siren is common used for all partitions. Any full alarm will turn on the siren
Dial to CMS
Dial to cms will show the partition number that caused the alarm but it will be numbered as Partition 1 to 4 not 0 to 3 to conform to conventional understanding. if the system has no partition, it will report partition as 0
Door Stations and Partitions
Each door station is assigned to a partition. When the door station is pressed, only the keypads in the same partition will have the Doorbell chime. However any keypad in any partition can press a key to talk to the door station.

UCMs and Partitions
User who signs in on a UCM with user code will log in to the 1st partition they are enabled for. Eg user 1 is enabled for partition 0 and 1. If sign in the user is logged into partition 0 not 1. He can arm and disarm partition 0 not 1.
Arming and Disarming Partitions
each partition can be independently armed and disarmed with its own entry door and entry/exit path.
SMS and PartitionsUsing UCM/GSM4, arming and disarming of any partition can be sent by SMS. However arming of security commands will work on Partition 0 only.

Security Mode Responses The Security Mode Responses ie (Off, Away, Night Day Mode) has separate responses for each partition.
Events > Miscellaneous Events now have Away, Night, Day, Security Off Responses for each partition.

Sirens and Speakers in Partitions
Sirens and Speakers can be connected to different partitions by specifying an Output for each partition which turns on when the Siren Output is activated by an alarm.A Relay can be connected to the selected Output to turn on the Siren in the partition. If a speaker is requuied for the partition, then use a Double Pole Relay and connnect the Speaker to the 2nd pole. The speaker when switched by the output would sound only for Alarms that activate the siren, and not for Trouble alarms and Arming beeping sounds
Note that the Speaker output if not switched by the relay would sound for all partitions, and is not recommended

Action Codes for Partitions
Testing for Partitions in Responses
It is necessary in some Responses to know what security Partition is active. For example in Intruder Alarm Response, turn on Lights. Which partition caused the alarm? There is a new If Partition action ..

If Partition = 0 Then
Do Lights On
If Partition =1 Then
Do Lights 2 on
Set Partition
Many of the security-related actions are applied to a Partition
eg- Get Security Mode
- Get alarm state
- Get last security mode
- Get entry alert
- Get last zone
- Get arming
- Get entry alert
- Get alarm type
- Get away/vacation mode
- Start entry delay
- Cancel entry delay
- Set exterminator
- Skip alarm
- Key arm
- Auto arm
- Bypass zones
- Unbypass zones
- Get input state
- Do alarm report zonepartition
- Do alarm report user
- Alternate entry time
if the Response “Knows†the Partition then it will work as expected, For example a Zone Response will set the active partition according to the Zone Partition, so the Response actions will have the corect partition. Keypad and Door station Responses also know the partition because each keypad and Door station has a partition.
However other events like Time Programs do not have an assigned partition. A Time program will work on default partition 0. eg the Auto Arm and Auto Disarm Time programs will work on Partition 0. For Time programs to work on other partitions, the Set partition action is needed

If Partition=2 and SecurityMode = SecurityOff Then
AutoArm NightMode
End If
Compatibility with Non-partition systems
In an existing system or non-partitioned system, zones and keypads are assigned to partition 0.
Old keypads can be used with new firmware if there are no partitions. If partitions are used, new keypads KP04A or KP06A which support the partitions feature must be used.
The keypad menu can also be used for programming (to a certain extent). See the attached document
The document has a pdf version of this instruction
For Door Stations and Partitions, see
Last edited on Monday Jun 13th, 2022 03:25 am by slychiu
Posted: Sunday Aug 7th, 2016 03:24 pm |
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Surprised that the KP06 cant be firmware upgraded to fully support partitioning?
Posted: Sunday Aug 7th, 2016 04:29 pm |
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Kp06a and Kp04a are actually different hardware platforms from kp04 MD kp06 although they look similar, with different processors so they have different functions
Posted: Monday Aug 8th, 2016 11:24 am |
4th Post |
UCM Pi Users

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Will be setting up a partition on my system to see how it works, Do you have any details on how partioning will be set up on the Android App, ie turning on/off alarm.
At present the process i use is just a modified file of the original to split the functions just for for responses (not on/off alarm)
Last edited on Monday Aug 8th, 2016 11:34 am by Swiss-Toni
Posted: Monday Aug 8th, 2016 01:08 pm |
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It depends on the user code
If you log in using a user code that is enabled for eg Partition 2, then you will arm and disarm that partition
However if a user is enabled for more than 1 partition, then the user is logged into the 1st partition. eg if user 1 is enabled for all partitions 0 to 3, he will log in to partition 0 only
In this case If you want to arm and disarm a different partition, create a user code for that partition only
Note that you need KP06A or KP04A, the KP04 and KP06 without A suffix do not work in partitions
Posted: Monday Aug 8th, 2016 03:29 pm |
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I take it that KT03 keypads will are not affected by any suffix and can be used in the partitions without any issues.
Posted: Monday Aug 8th, 2016 05:54 pm |
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Yes KT03 firmware will work in partitions, but from a new firmware version 7.082 onwards
Last edited on Wednesday Jun 5th, 2019 07:09 am by slychiu
Posted: Wednesday Aug 10th, 2016 12:29 pm |
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UCM Pi Users

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SetUp and working a treat, certainly beats using my old method of using day mode as my partion for an alarmed area. Great move making comfort partionable, adds a new selling point for me.......
Posted: Saturday Aug 13th, 2016 11:29 am |
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Some users have encountered a problem after upgrading to ULT 7.110 that some zones were in a different partition (eg3). This could be due to unused settings in the zones
As a result the system becomes partitioned even though the keypads did not support partitoning
ULT 7.112 (Beta) checks - if all keypads are in partition 0
- If all keypads do not support partitions, ie KP01, KP03, KP04, KP06, or KP04A/KP06A before 7.005 or KT03 before 7.083
Then the zone partitions are ignored, all zones and keypads are in partition 0, and the system is not partitioned
This will prevent systems that are upgraded to 7.112 from inadvertently being partitioned
Posted: Saturday Aug 13th, 2016 02:21 pm |
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UCM Pi Users

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So far I have not encountered any serious issues using the partioning, the only noticeable issue is their are different sounds coming from keypad when arming etc also I noticed if you arm the system in the partion it activates my electronic locks to lock (this was originaly set up pre partioning when activating alarm, in alarm responses). I have not had an in depth look at this yet, but it maybe an issue with partioning and activating alarm and the corresponding responses....
Also is their a method of changing the exit entry time just on the partioned keypad only?
Currently using ULT 7.110 I will upgrade to ULT7.112 however currently system is working fine.
Last edited on Saturday Aug 13th, 2016 02:29 pm by Swiss-Toni
Posted: Saturday Aug 13th, 2016 02:50 pm |
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if you arm the system in the partition it activates my electronic locks to lock (this was originally set up pre partitioning when activating alarm, in alarm responses).
Alarm-related Responses need some consideration because partitions are involved
It depends on what triggers the Response
For example, if your Away Mode Response locks the door, then arming to away mode in any Partition will lock the door
Comfigurator 3.11.6 has different Security Mode Responses for each partition

If the Response is from Alarm Type Response eg System Armed then the Response will act on all partitions. To act on a specific Partition, you have to Set Partition number in the Alarm Response
Posted: Saturday Aug 13th, 2016 03:43 pm |
12th Post |
UCM Pi Users

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For some reason I saw that and overlooked it, School boy error. will correct it later, thanks for pointing that out, I know it must get tedious repeating yourself....
Posted: Sunday Sep 11th, 2016 07:49 am |
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Posted: Wednesday Nov 16th, 2016 05:34 pm |
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There is a bug in Comfort firmware 7.113
if the firmware is upgraded from an older version some of the higher numbered unused zones may have nonzero partitions due to unused memory locations now having a meaning
The effect of this is it causes a problem while arming if zones are open. The announcement and beeping on the keypads is interrupted and continuous and the system cannot arm. The keypad and Comfigurator cannot sign in until after 5 minutes, the Arming abort Time.
The work-around if the system gets into this state is to wait for 5 minutes when the arming aborts. Then check the zones settings in Comfigurator make sure that all zones do not have Partititions>0 (provided this system does not use Partitions), and do a write to Comfort
A new firmwware will be released shortly
Posted: Thursday Nov 17th, 2016 06:44 pm |
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Posted: Sunday Mar 28th, 2021 09:53 am |
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Posted: Wednesday Dec 29th, 2021 01:40 am |
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New features for Partitions in Firmware 7.194- When Sign in on Phone :System will check if user who log in is enabled for higher partitions, and say "select Area". check if user is enabled for higher partition, and if so log in to the higher Area/partition.
- For Arm security system, if area/partition has no zones arm/disarm is not enabled.
- Fixed BUG vacation mode for partition system did not set partition correctly
Last edited on Wednesday Dec 29th, 2021 01:40 am by slychiu