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Communications Failure..
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 Posted: Friday Jun 2nd, 2006 02:52 pm
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Joined: Saturday Apr 29th, 2006
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"Communications Failure (ID number)" is  announced by the keypad on signing in, when Comfort loses communications with one of the Comfort devices on the Comfort RS485 Bus. The ID announced tells you which device has lost communications
  • ID = 18 to 24 are for UCMs 2 to 8 (UCM 1 does not report communicatiosn Failure as this is normally reserved for the UCM used for programming)
  • ID = 33 to 37 are for Slaves 1 to 5
  • ID = 49 to 53 are for Door Stations 1 to 3
  • ID = 65 to 79 are for Keypads 1 to 15
  • ID = 81 to 95 are for IRIO or RIO (Remote Input/Output modules) 1 to 15
  • ID = 113 to 127 are for Sensor Modules 1 to 15 (MSM01 or TSM01)
  • ID = 129 to 143 are for Hotel I/O Modules 1 to 15

The LCD keypad will display the device name rather than the number when there is a communications failure so you need not decipher the numbers

The reasons for losing communications include

  • a fault in the wiring so the module is not connnected to KAKBor disconnection of the module. The module ID wil be reported in Communications failure
  • a fault in the module itself, 
  • setting the wrong ID in the device eg if there are 2 keypads, setting Keypad ID=3
  • having the same ID setting in two devices of the same type, eg 2 keypads with ID=1
If all devices report communications failure then it may indicate a fault in the Comfort main board itself

When the fault has been rectified or the device reconnected, the keypad will report Communications Failure (ID) restored

Last edited on Saturday Aug 4th, 2018 08:45 am by slychiu

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