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Comfigurator 3.1.3
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 Posted: Tuesday Oct 13th, 2009 02:52 pm
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Comfigurator 3.1.3 is now available for download from the Cytech website
There are significant improvements as well as bug fixes so please upgrade.
All those who request technical support will have to upgrade to the new version so we do not have to  spend time solving old problems
New Features
  • In the Modules Tab, Scan for all modules - keypads, Door Stations, Slaves, SCS/RIOs. This shows the Firmware version and type.  This feature requires the following minimum firmware; Comfort 5.154, UCM 5.171, SEM 5.156,  KP04 1.010. If any of the modules are not able to support this feature, the firmware version will be reported as 0.00 Note that the UCMs types are not listed in Names, but in the Modules Tab.
  • Selective Write can be performed safely. All items which are changed since the last write will be automatically selected, for example, if an Event uses a Response whose number has been changed, then the event will also be selected for Selective write.
  • Selective write will automatically reset Comfort when any of the items selected ad written require a Reset, eg Modules and Settings and Tuning Parameters.
  • Selective Write will show items which have not been written to Comfort since the last write
  • Keypad Volume can be viewed and changed  in the Modules Tab. Select the keypad ID on the left pane. Volume (default 50) is shown in Keypad Properties. This is access on the User menu by pressing 7 for Volume.
  • For UCM/GSM, the alphanumeric ID consisting of 16 characters replaces the 4 digit"Pager ID". Select UCMs in the lft pane, then the UCM ID in the centre pane. "SMS Alphanumeric ID"  is in the right pane under UCM/GSM Properties.  This requires Comfort Firmware 5.177 (not released).
  • Infrared Learning Tool version 1.2.3 is included in Tools
  • New actions which will be supported by future Comfort firmware 5.177
  • Action Categories rearranged so that actions can be more easily found
Bugs Fixed
  • The Dynalite Preset code was reduced by 1 when a ccl file created by Comfigurator 2 is converted to Comfigurator 3 cclx. Dynalite Channels are not translated correctly in Action codes. Fade control cannot be changed from 0. For dynalite actions saved by previous versions please check the actions before writing as there may be some differences from the format saved in older files.
  • Non-english fonts did not display correctly eg Thai, Chinese
  • When a new file has been opened (from template), saving the file does not case the save file dialog to be shown. Use Save As.. to save the file
  • When a cclx file was converted from FS31 to FS34 the Control Menu is blank when written to Comfort. All control groups appear as 0
  • Scan for UCMs  worked only the first time. If you add UCMs and Scan again, the same result as before will be obtained without a new scan being done. Hence save the file and open it again to do a new Scan for UCMs
  • Selective Write - If any Responses are renumbered due to changes and a selective Write is done, not all events which reference the affected Responses weree selected for write.
  • File System 30 for SPC (this is a special version for Portugal) does not have 8 SCS/RIO Responses. 
  • The Actions "If Keypad = 1 to 8" were not converted correctly to IDs 65 to 72. Similarly Door station IDs 1 to 3 were not converted to 49 to 51
  • Conversion of file from a file system to another will cause the Misc Events >  Security Mode Response and Away Mode Response be to set to 255 (ie disabled)
Known Issues
  • Older versions of Comfigrator <3.13 have a bug when converting a file from one file system to another eg FS31 to 34, that Control Groups are all numbered 0. This will result in Comfigurator not writing the Home Control Menu to Comfort, and you will not be able to hear the Home Control Menu in Comfort. The solution is  to edit the cclx file and change the Control Group numbers to sequential numbers 0 to 5 using a text editor. Please upgrade to 3.1.3 as soon as possible to avoid this and other known bugs with the older version
  • In certain cases of Reading from Comfort I systems, an Exception may be encountered due to various incompatibilities. In such cases use Comfigurator 2.2.3 (download from here  to read the system and save as a cclx file so that you can use Comfigurator 3 in future
  • "Connected as PABX Extension" flag does not get written to Comfort when Selective Write is used.
  • Import Responses may overwrite existing flags asnd counter names
  • Configurator 2 files with CMS Account codes blank (0) will cause exception when converted to Comfigurator 3 (.cclx)
  • For Sunrise/Sunset Times> Daylight Savings times, if a city is not selected as location, and daylight saving is disabled, writing to Comfort will leave Daylight saving enabled, causing times to be incorrectly advanced by 1 hour. Workaround is always to select a city with the same time zone if Daylight saving is to be enabled.
  • When Modules and Settings > Wordlists is changed to a non-English language, the Alarm Types Phrases are not matched to the language untill they are all assigned to the correct phrases in the language, resulting in the incorrect announcement and Display on the LCD of all Alarms
  • For UCM/KNX Configurator, always set Number of UCMs to the required number and Selective write to Comfort before doing a full write. The Number of UCMs needs to be set first to allow Comfigurator to detect the presence of a UCM/KNX so that the KNX actions can be written in the correct format. See for more information
  • RGR02/RGR03 checkbox is not present for Comfort I File Systems
  • In Modules and Settings Description on Number of Door stations should be 0-3, Slaves should be 0-3 and SCS/RIo should be 0-15
  • Read from Comfort will not populate the Modules Tab. This is a bug from older versions.
  • Reading from Comfort without "Keep Names" option will show "Invalid UCM Number" errors in Responses concerning any UCM/KNX, UCM/Cbus or other external UCMs.  However the Responses themselves will be correct even though the configuration does not know about the UCM numbers. Workaround is always to load the cclx file before reading and use the "Keep names" option
  • In KNX Configurator, Monitor Mode does not work if the UCM number 1 is blank. This happens if a UCM which is not ID1 is used to connect to Comfort to do Monitor mode, but there is no UCM with ID=1 in the system. Workaround is to ensure UCM with ID=1 is always present in the system
  • If any letter in a  Response Name is changed from Capital to lowercase or vice versa, a Duplicate Name Error results. This is an  bug from older versions
  • For Phone Numbers to Dial out, CMS Phone Types are valid for Phones 1 and 2 only. Comfigurator allows CMS to be assigned to Phones 3 to 8 but this should be avoided. This is not a new issue, ie it has been this way since Comfigurartor 2, but will be fixed in the next version
  • Response Wizard for Cbus Action; if Remote Network Bridges are specified, these cannot be deleted from the action, exceot by deleting the action
  • Invalid IFR files in the existing IFR folder may cause Comfigurator to have an Exceotion when the program is run. To workarounf when Comfigurator has an exception when it is started, delete the IFR folder and reinstall Comfigurator
  • IR Receive Responses - if assigned to NULL, will call Response 255 if the IR signal is received. To workaround, do not use Response Number 255

Last edited on Thursday Oct 28th, 2010 02:57 am by

 Posted: Tuesday Oct 13th, 2009 06:55 pm
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Enhancement request.  When in "Modules" and scanning for UCM's would it be possible for the software to not overwrite the "Name" and "Type" fields if they have been set manually in the UI. 

I have a poor old UCM Smartfit which I appreciate will never support the Version reporting etc but it's a pain having to keep retyping these fields after a scan.



 Posted: Friday Oct 16th, 2009 02:11 pm
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We shall see if this can be done

 Posted: Saturday Oct 17th, 2009 10:26 am
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A few other usage observations with 3.1.3/Comfigurator:

* When opening the application the tree is ALWAYS compressed.  This is a real pain to have to open each node.  Can the expanded state of the tree be saved with the CCLX please or a setting on the settings page or some other way in the UI to quickly expand the whole tree.

* All of the settings in the "Graphical Editing" section of the settings screen have no help text.

* On the ZWave settings form the reset button on my (my firmware is 5.184) version throws an invalid eeprom error and tells me to use learn mode instead.

* Writing ZWave settings to eeprom causes the Comfort system to do a full reset;  is this right as I thought only the UCM would reset.




Attachment: error.bmp (Downloaded 164 times)

Last edited on Saturday Oct 17th, 2009 10:30 am by juwi_uk

 Posted: Sunday Oct 18th, 2009 04:29 am
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Where do you see the Graphical Editing screen? I did not even know we had such a feature

The feature for partial reset of UCM after writing Zwave settings  requires UCM 5.183 at least. If you upgrade your UCM firmware (5.178) that will work for you
We will look into the other Zwave issue you mentioned

 Posted: Sunday Oct 18th, 2009 09:51 am
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Hi Chiu

See attached.






Attachment: settings.jpg (Downloaded 160 times)

 Posted: Sunday Oct 18th, 2009 11:08 am
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I see, this is the Options > Settings Screen. We can include some help or tooltips next time
In the meantime are there any parameters which you are uncertain of in the screen?

 Posted: Sunday Oct 18th, 2009 11:11 am
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* On the ZWave settings form the reset button on my (my firmware is 5.184) version throws an invalid eeprom error and tells me to use learn mode instead.

That may be correct. When you reset the settings to default, the eeprom contains no valid information, because in Zwave you need to learn a network before it can do anything. So the message is not an error, it means that there is no valid network data, and you need to learn a network.

 Posted: Sunday Oct 18th, 2009 07:59 pm
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Not really,  I've no idea what this section is for.



 Posted: Monday Oct 19th, 2009 03:27 am
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I see what you mean. The Graphical settings are for the future KT03 touchscreen, and is not for any current Comfigurator feature

 Posted: Thursday Oct 29th, 2009 09:57 am
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I think a have a minor bug in Comfigurator 3.1.3:

In the Security > Zone/Input Screen you can drag and drop the details from one zone to another (which is great as it saves me retyping).  When you drag a zone, the details of the zone you are dragging from gets copied to the zone you are dragging to and the details of the zone you are dragging to just get lost.  This also results in duplicate zone names which I believe is not allowed.

I would guess that either:

- the details of the zone you are dragging to should get copied back to the zone you are dragging from, or

- (and maybe better) all the zones above (and including) the zone you are dragging to should get shifted up one (copied up one zone) and the details of the zone you are dragging should get copied to the now empty zone that has been created at the point dragged to by the shifting up of the zones.



 Posted: Friday Oct 30th, 2009 05:39 am
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The correct behaviour is the zone gets dragged to the new zone and replaces what is there
The original zone name is left unchanged but the zone type is 0 so it is inactive

If you wish to exchange two zones then you should drag the 2nd  zone to an unused zone number, then drag the 1st zone to the empty one and then the 2nd one to the 1st. It is easier to do than to describe

What you suggest is the insert the zone at the new location and shift all zones to a higher number, but that gives a problem when you dont want to do that. Also it may push the zones to a nonexistent slave or LEM or beyond the maximum of 64
Often what you want to do is to move a zone to an unsued one

 Posted: Saturday Dec 5th, 2009 02:23 am
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For Comfigurator 3.1.3, always set the Number of UCMs and other modules in Modules and Settings and do a selective Write to Comfort before programming other items. This avoids a problem in UCM/KNX described in

If you have programmed offline without connecting to Comfort, when you first connect, do a Selective Write with Modules and Settings to Comfort, before doing the full write

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