The Scenario feature introduced in Comfigurator 3.2.7 allows a complete set of Responses as well as Events which trigger the Responses to be packaged as a Scenario file (with .crsx extension). The .crsx scenario file can be imported from the File > Import Scenario menu into your working cclx configuration file. This is very useful as it allows tested scenarios to be reused in future projects.
This is an example from an actual program. The requirements are
At night, between say 11 PM and 6 AM the next morning, if motion has not been detected by a PIR in the living room for 30 minutes, the system will auto-arm to Night Mode.
To program this from scratch, this is what is done;
Time Program 1 at 11 PM ,
Response SetAutoArmFlagtoNight
Set Flag Flag01
If Timer Timer10 = 0 Then
Do AutoarmNighFlag
End If
It sets the Flag01
If the 30 minutes timer is not running, autoarm to Night Mode
Time Program 2 at 6 AM
Response ClearAutoarmNight:
Clear Flag Flag01
PIR Zone Response = PIRStartTimer30M
Do AutoarmNighFlag After 1800 Seconds Using Timer10
This starts the timer for 30 minutes and arms to Night if Flag is set.
Response AutoarmNighFlag:
If Flag Flag01 <> 0 And SecurityMode = SecurityOff Then
AutoArm NightMode
End If
This autoarms to Night mode is Flag is set
To export this as a Scenario, do File > Export Scenario. A window showing the Responses opens.
Select the Responses which are used.
Press and hold the Control key to select multiple Responses. In this case 4 Responses are selected;
The Scenario will automatically include the Events and Responses which call the selected Responses, eg Time Programs 1 and 2, Flag10, Timer10
The scenario is saved as a crsx file, see attached file
Attachment: AutoArmIfNoPIR.crsx (Downloaded 19 times) Last edited on Thursday Dec 25th, 2014 11:14 am by slychiu