One of the problems with Reading from Comfort, ie reading the configuration from a Comfort system is that Response Names and Descriptions are not saved in Comfort so will not have any meaningful information. The Responses will be named according the Response number
In the new version Comfigurator 3.3.2, see announcement at , the resulting Responses wil have autogenerated names and Descriptions using the contents of the Response actions
When you Read from Comfort, after the warning message, there will be a window as below with the options "Keep Names from Current Configuration" and " Auto-generate Names and Descriptions"

If you select Autogenerate Names and Descriptions, the resulting Responses list will be as shown in the screenshot below

The Descriptions text is generated from the contents of the action codes. The 1st 4 characters of each Action name are concatenated together to form a meaningful descrption. The Response name is then autogenerated from the Description by using the 1st 16 characters
While this may not produce a completely meaningful set of response names and descriptions, it is of great help when trying to understand how a system was programmed when you do not have the original cclx file
Last edited on Saturday Sep 17th, 2011 07:34 am by ident