Posted: Sunday Dec 7th, 2014 01:40 pm |
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Responses are programs in Comfort which can be programmed to perform customised actions, for example to switch on lights and airconditioning or heating, control blinds, autogates, arm and disarm the security system or bypass zones, announce recorded messages on keypads, based on conditions like time, date, security state etc.
Responses are triggered by Events in Comfort e.g- Zone activation and Restore
- Alarm activation - each of 31 Alarm Types can activate Responses, eg Intruder, Panic, Power Failure, Low Battery, Armed, Disarmed.
- Time Programs
- On Every Hour or selected hours
- System armed to Away Mode, Night Mode, Away Mode, disarm to Security Off trigger different Responses
- Doorbell Pressed
- Comfort Infrared code received
- Sunrise and Sunset
The Event Triggered Responses are a powerful tool to customise any desired behaviour for a smart home.
A Response consists of a series of Action Codes, each of which performs a specific function, like turning an output on or off, sending an Infrared code to an output, or arming and disarming the security system.
Comfort II Optimum has a maximum of 128 Responses, while Comfort II Ultra has 1023 Responses.
Action Codes are commands in Comfort's programing language which tell Comfort what to do. For example, Output Output001 On is a command for Output 1 ON.
Other examples of action codes:- Auto-arm security to Away Mode
- Send IR Code 1 to Output 4
- Pulse Output 6 for 2 seconds
- Announce Reminder Message 1 on all keypads
The list of Action Codes and their meaning and usage can be found in the booklet "Action Codes Reference" in Help > Action Code Reference, which will link to the Cytech Website
A Response consists of one or more action codes. For example a Response to turn on Outputs 1, 2 and 3 would be:
Output Output001 On
Output Output002 On
Output Output003 On
This Response switches on 3 outputs
Using the Response Wizard
Comfigurator has a Response Wizard which helps to design Responses by allowing you to select Actions and their parameters using a drop-down list.
In Comfigurator, select Events > Responses to open the Responses screen as shown below.

Select one of the Responses and right click to see the available options. Select Response Wizard.
The Response Wizard shows the actions for this response.

The action IRCode IRCode01 to Output001 is seen.
This is an Infrared Command to send the IR Code named IRCode01 to Output001. The IR Code and Output name can be selected from the drop down list in the right pane.
New actions can be added to the Response by selecting Append New Action (to add new action before the current action), or Insert New Action (to add action before the current action)
To Create a new Response, Right click and select Add Response.

Enter a Description of the Response. Press OK. The Response Name is automatically generated.
The Response Wizard will open.
Select Append Action

The Response Wizard categories will be seen as shown above.
Select the Category of the action, eg Security.
This will open the list of Actions belonging to the Security category as seen above.
Select the specific action required
In the example alone, the action Keyswitch Arm has the parameters Away, Night, Day, Vacaction modes for arming the security system.
Press OK to confirm, and add more actions if required.
There is no limit to the number of Actions in a Response. However if there are more than 8 action codes per response, the next Response slot will be used up, and the number of Responses usable will be reduced accordingly. In Ultra there are 1023 Response Numbers with 8 action bytes each. If all Responses require 16 bytes then the number of usable responses will be reduced to 511.
In Comfort Optimum only 127 responses are available each with 6 action bytes.
Comfigurator will handle the numbering of Responses and adjust as required.
Last edited on Sunday Jul 26th, 2015 04:32 pm by slychiu
Posted: Sunday Dec 7th, 2014 05:56 pm |
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Conditional Programming
It is possible to program using Conditions, eg If the time is between 7 PM to 6 AM, and the front Door is opened, AND it is Monday AND the security system is Off, then switch on the kitchen lights for 10 minutes.
Go to Response Wizard and select the IF category

On the right properties pane, click on the right of Conditions.

select from the dropdown list of conditions which appears

Two or more conditions can be combined using AND or OR
select the Attribute on the right pane, eg Hours
Then select the Comparison;=, >, >=, <, <>
and the Value to compare, as shown below.

The two or more conditional statements can be related by AND or OR by selecting on the right pane "Combine Conditions With". In the example, select OR

Insert the action to be perfomed if the condition is true, eg Output PorchlightOn

To be continuedLast edited on Monday Dec 8th, 2014 06:17 pm by slychiu
Posted: Thursday Dec 25th, 2014 09:06 am |
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Execute Responses
The "Execute Responses" function in Comfigurator is a useful way to test your responses that you have programmed. See the screenshot below to see where to find it, in Responses on the right pane.

Execute Responses will execute Responses in Comfort.
There are 2 ways in which Comfigurator does this
If the number of action codes is less than 20, then Comfigurator sends Do Action commands to Comfort corresponding to the actions in the Response. This does not reply on the Response being written to Comfort.
However if the number of action codes is 20 or more, then a DO Response command is sent to Comfort. This requires that the Response must be written to Comfort before execution. In this case there wiill be a warning message
"Responses in this configuration may not have been written to Comfort. Do you want to do this before writing to Comfort?"
This is to remind you to write to Comfort if you have not done so. Note that this message is seen regaedless of whether the Responses have previously been written to Comfort. If this was done before just ignore the warning and press NO
Do Actions in Comfigurator have a limit of 48 action code bytes but Do Response does not have a limit on Action codes
This ensures that Execute Responses will ALWAYS work because Comfigurator will always use the correct command to execute the Response dependind on the number of actions
If you get the warning message to write Responses and you are not sure just say yes, otherwise ignore the message
Last edited on Thursday Dec 25th, 2014 09:09 am by slychiu
Posted: Thursday Jan 1st, 2015 09:34 am |
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References to Responses
The Responses which are referenced from elsewhere are shown in BLUE
That means they are called by Events.
To see where they are used, right click on a Response to see the menu.

Select Show References to see what events call this Response
Select Graph References to see a graphical representation of the links to the Response.

This helps to troubleshoot and debug the programming of Comfort
Cursor over a Node to see Tooltip
Double-click Response Node to make it the Target Response.
A Response node is shown with the lamp icon. Note that only a Response can be a target
Double Click the Target Response (in blue) to Edit the Response
Select a Response from the Responses page to change the Target Response
The boxes are colour coded as follows: the Target Response is in Blue, other Responses are in Green, and other events, ie not Responses like zones, time programs, outputs etc are in White. This helps to identify other Responses which can become the new target by double-clicking on it.
Graph References works on Responses, Zones , Counters, Flags, and Alarms
Last edited on Thursday Jan 1st, 2015 09:39 am by slychiu